Sunset Mesa Water Tank – Montrose, CO

Sunset Mesa Water Tank – Montrose, CO

Project Description:  This project includes the design and construction of a 135 ft. tall, 1.5 million gallon standpipe water tank, including foundation, coating, instrumentation, controls and all appurtenances per the project plans and specifications.  We started by clearing the site for construction, followed by relocation and construction of dry utilities.  Our team self-performed all of the site prep and the ring wall concrete foundation for the tank.  The project also includes the construction of a new booster pump station, including the structure, HVAC, electrical, piping, pumps, instrumentation, controls, etc., as well as construction of the associated yard piping (with trenching up to 29 ft. deep) and connections to existing water mains and drain lines.

Contract Amount:  $4,336,876

Project Duration:  18 Months

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