City of Montrose – Cerise Waterline Bore

City of Montrose – Cerise Waterline Bore

Project Description:  

Directionally drill a 12-inch HDPE waterline beneath the Uncompahgre River from the western side of the Water Sports Park to Riverbottom Park and Apollo Drive on the eastern side of the river.  This also included tie-ins at each end of the waterline bore including expansion restraint blocks, couplers, fittings, and valves along with flushing, disinfecting, and pressure testing the waterlines.  Ridgway Valley Enterprises (“RVE”) worked closely with the City of Montrose in trying to locate the east tie-in, which ultimately could not be located.  The solution was to redesign the east tie-in connecting to a new fire hydrant.

Contract Price:  $241,200

Project Duration:  5 Weeks

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